Top Benefits of Getting Dental Implants in West New York and Teaneck, NJ

Between 2020 and 2026, the total number of dental implants could increase by 23%. More patients are replacing broken or lost teeth with natural-looking implants. If you're missing a tooth, talk to a dentist in West New York and Teaneck, NJ.

With their help, you can restore your smile and protect your oral health. On the fence?

Read on to discover the benefits of dental implants today!

Better Dental Health

About 25.9% of adults ages 20 to 44, and 25.3% between the ages of 45 and 64, have untreated dental caries. Over 20% of adults ages 65 and older have untreated cavities, too. Cavities can compromise your oral and overall health. 

If you're missing a tooth, bacteria and food particles will have a new place to hide. Surrounding teeth might begin to lean toward the gap, too. As your teeth shift, they can become more difficult to clean and floss. 

When you fail to thoroughly clean your teeth, plaque can form. Plaque is a tacky, clear substance that can cause tooth decay. Your risk of gum disease will also increase. The advanced stage of gum disease, periodontal disease, can increase the likelihood you'll lose teeth, further affecting your appearance.

Electing to receive dental implant surgery can protect your dental health. Improving our oral health can keep an infection from spreading into your bloodstream. Otherwise, gum disease could increase your risk of:

  • Stroke
  • Lung disease
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease

You'll still need to brush and floss your dental implant to prevent bacteria from building up. However, the material used to create your implant can't decay. You won't have to worry about your dental implant developing a cavity. 

Natural Appearance

One of the great benefits of dental implants is that they look like natural teeth. In fact, your dentist will match the color of your implant with your surrounding teeth. They'll fit perfectly into the gap to restore your smile, too. 

Dental implants are available in a range of colors, shapes, and sizes to ensure a customized solution.

Without a dental implant, your teeth will begin shifting. Your teeth support your facial structure and stimulate your jawbone. If you're missing a tooth, your face could begin to change shape.

Wrinkles can develop and your cheeks can start to sink inward.

Getting a dental implant can ensure you maintain your facial structure. It will also improve your appearance with a stunning, natural-looking smile. 

Improved Chewing

You may notice it's more difficult to chew if you're missing a tooth. Some patients stop eating hard foods, including meat and crunchy fruits or vegetables. Neglecting to eat a well-balanced diet could cause a vitamin deficiency.

Before that happens, visit a dentist in West New York and Teaneck, NJ. Your dentist can determine which types of dental implants suit your needs. Getting a dental implant will restore your bite force.

Dental implants are anchored into your jaw with a post that will replace a tooth root. Your implant will allow you to bite with about the same amount you would with a natural tooth. You can restore your bite force to start enjoying your favorite foods again. 

Speak Clearly

A missing tooth could cause a lisp. Some patients notice it's more difficult to pronounce certain words or sounds. Getting a dental implant could help restore your ability to speak clearly. 

Some tooth replacement options, including dentures, can affect your ability to speak clearly, too. 

Remember, your dental implants will function like your natural teeth. You can start speaking naturally and easily once the implant is in place. 

A Permanent Solution

Dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss. You won't need to get your implant replaced every few months. In fact, dental implants are designed to last a lifetime. 

Dentures, on the other hand, only last about 10 years. Dental bridges usually require replacement every five to 15 years instead. 

Choosing dental implants could save you time, money, and stress in the long run.

Easy to Care For

Remember, implants function like your natural teeth. They're easy to care for. Brush and floss to keep your dental implants clean and plaque-free.

Cleaning your dental implants will improve their longevity. 

Don't forget to visit your dentist every six months. Routine appointments and cleanings will benefit your oral health. Your dentist will also spot potential issues to help you take preventative measures.

Preventive dentistry services can save you money and stress in the future. 

A Safe Procedure

The dental implant procedure is a safe option if you're missing a tooth. These procedures have a high success rate. 

You can minimize the risk of rejection or infection by visiting an experienced local dentist. 

Improved Confidence

If you're missing a tooth, you might avoid smiling with your mouth open. You don't have to continue feeling self-conscious about your smile. Instead, talk to a dentist about dental implant surgery.

Replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant will restore your smile. Remember, they're designed to look and function like your natural teeth. You can start smiling with renewed confidence, which could benefit your quality of life. 

Dental Implants: Visit a Dentist in West New York and Teaneck, NJ

Don't let a missing tooth affect your appearance or oral health. Instead, visit a dentist in West New York and Teaneck, NJ. Ask them what types of dental implants suit your needs. 

With their help, you can restore your smile and protect your oral health. 

Want to discuss your treatment options with a professional? We're here for you. 

Contact us today to get started.